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About Me

I'm a work from home mom to two furbabies, a curious black cat named Meeshka, and a goofy siberian husky named Dexter. I own a business and work with big companies as my clients all from my home office. In my spare time I collect sylvanians and build diaromas and other miniatures for them to enjoy!


I haven't been collecting Sylvanian Families as long as some collectors out there. I actually did not discover this incredible little world of furry characters and old time charm until around late summer of 2016. I first saw a small collection of them at Jo-Ann's Fabric, and my curiosity was struck. I didn't know such a detailed toy line existed! Sometime after I looked them up on amazon and discovered there were so many different playsets. A school, a grocery store, wow! So many cute things! That same day I ended up going to my local Toys R Us to see if they carried what is called Calico Critters in the USA. Sure enough they did, and I think I ended up spending well over a thousand dollars on almost the entire collection in a matter of days. I recall setting everything up in my small office on a tiny green diaroma mat I had picked up at Hobby Lobby. From there the addiction began! Clearly Meeshka fell in love with the town! Lol! 

So that's where it all started. Now I've always had a love of crafting and have built my share of diaromas growing up. Of course they are much more detailed these days, lol! I soon decided that I wanted to build my own detailed diaromas for my

town. To me laying them on a green mat on the floor was okay for a children's play area, but as an adult I wanted to give my town a worthy display. I got really inspired by the sylvanian families instagram pages and the sylvanian store keepers diaromas. I also found inspiration and how to's following a blogger named ashmimi who, like myself, loves detail! While building my sets I continued to collect and started finding rare discontinued sylvanian families characters and sets on ebay. My collection is ever growing, and my diaromas are too!  

Anyway, that's enough about me!

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